Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Foundation Portfolio - Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we were asked to produce a Wyke college magazine, in order to do this however we were required to look at key concepts within the media. These concepts form the acronym LIIAR... These concepts are...
  • Language
  • Institution
  • Ideology
  • Audience
  • Representation

L - Language - In this case is the layout of the magazine, the font, style, size and colour of the text used, the photograph whether its colour or black and white, the masthead, the colours incorporated into the magazine.

I - Institution - Wyke college,us as the students of Wyke college.

I - Ideology - The message produced within the magazine, the message I'm trying to put across to the audience. The message has to be relevant to the subject with-in the magazine. Wyke is an academic college.

A - Audience - Who the product is produced for. The primary target audience in this case is Wyke students aged between 16 and 19, from data I have collated it also would be appropriate to aim it at females in the age range I have chosen since Wyke college is 64% female and 36% male. For a secondary audience I will aim it at teachers at the college and parents of students who attend the college, also anyone who may be interested in joining the college and looking for what activites the college do. I could also look into the different social groups and the topics in which they may be interested in.

R - Representation - In this case is how the product represents the college, how the photograph achieves this, the angles which are used, how the colours compliment the rest of the magazine. Using a unique style to draw the target audience's attention.

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